After filling out a mountain of paperwork and getting implanted with your CAT (Computer Assisted Tracking) communicator, two city guards let you into the inner city wall. One of them mumbles to you, "Welcome to Hell." They show you quickly around the city, pointing out the Armoury, Healing Center, Training Center, Bank, and Bounty Office. The place is huge and the tour goes so fast that you're really going to need to explore around for yourself. The other guard on your tour gives you some advice, "Leave everyone alone until you get to the City Armoury and buy yourself some armour and weapons. Everyone here is armed. If they attack you before you have your gear, you'll be spending the rest of the day at the City Healing Center." As if on cue, your tour ends at the City Healing Center where you're given your first 30 medkits on the house. The guard adds some more advice before leaving you, "Keep a good stock of those medkits. Often your life may depend on them..." With that they're gone and you're left on your own to explore the city!